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Monday, May 5, 2008

Toumaz Technology and Consortium Partners : Major EU Funding To Develop Personal Blood Glucose Predictor For Diabetes Patients

10 April 2008 – Toumaz Technology Limited, the leading provider of ultra-low power wireless infrastructure for body monitoring solutions, announces its participation in a major collaborative research project that has been granted 7.1 million Euros to develop a unique personalised blood glucose prediction tool aimed at improving the lives of millions of diabetes patients. The grant award, made under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Community, will fund a four-year research and development project into the “DIAdvisor™” portable glucose prediction system, that will utilise Toumaz’s breakthrough Sensium™ wireless body monitoring technology. The large-scale project is being coordinated by Novo Nordisk A/S, a world leader in diabetes care, and will be delivered by a consortium of 13 medical, industrial and academic partners, including the European region of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF)...Toumaz Technology 's Press Release -